Angular Interview Questions Collection 4

What are the different types of binding available?

How will you share the data between components?

How to make a service a singleton in Angular?

What is the provider in Angular?

Explain some common commands in Angular.

How to update your angular applications to the latest version of angular?

 What is Transpiling in Angular?

What is an Angular service worker?

On what port Angular runs by default?

Explain the SPA (Single Page Application).

What is the difference between Structural and Attribute directives in Angular?

Can you please sort lifecycle hook avaialble in angular?

What is the possible order of lifecycle hooks in Angular?

What is the difference between onNgInit() and constructor() of a component?

What are some different types of RouteGuards?

What is <router-outlet> for?

What are some different types of RouteGuards?

What are templates in Angular?

What is a provider in Angular?

What is dependecy injection?

What is a ng-content directive?

What is Eager and Lazy loading?

What is interpolation?

What is the difference between ngIf vs hidden?

 What are observables?

What is a module, and what does it contain?

What are pipes? Give me an example

What is Routing Guard in Angular?

What is a component? Why would you use it

define the ng-content Directive?

What do you mean by dependency injection?

How to generate a class in Angular 7 using CLI?

While making a generic component. hat best practices one must follow.

What is ngUpgrade?

What are CanActivate, CanActivateChild, CanDeactivate and CanLoad.

How to maintain data security in Angular and what are the best practices for the same to ensure security.

How you do validations in Angular?

Ans: By using Reactive forms provide a model-driven approach, and in model we write validations using ngForm, FormControl, FromGroup, validators and FormBuilder.

How can we show error message as per the validations?

Ans: using valid, unvalid, dirty, pristine, touched and untouched.

What is a service, and when will you use it?

What are directives?

What are lifecycle hooks available?

What is the difference between constructor and ngOnInit?

What is dependency injection in Angular?

What is the purpose of async pipe?

What is the difference between promise and observable?

Give an example for attribute directives?

What is router outlet?

What is the purpose of Wildcard route?

What is Angular Universal?

What are different types of compilation in Angular?

What is JIT?

What is AOT?

What is the difference between constructor and ngOnInit?

What is the difference between pure and impure pipe?

What is multicasting?

What are dynamic components?

How do you create directives using CLI?

What is are the use of Custom pipes?

How you can perform unit testing in Angular? 

Can we use JavaScript in Angular?

What are Injectables?

How one can show a component without using a selector tag?

If one leaves the selector tag empty what happens next, will the process work fine or will it break?

What is a resolver in Angular?