- What are the new features released in Angular14
- Different types of Binding
- What is the purpose of router-outlet
- Is it possible to use more than one router-outlet? how?
- Can you explain how to use HttpClient
- How do you read the response
- How do you handle the error in functions?
- What are Observables?
- What is EventEmitter?
- 100+ user list response, each user object has a username, age, roles, etc wants to group them with the Roles how do you write a code in typescript?
- How do you define parent routes?
- Can you explain the life cycle hooks
- What are pipes and different types of pipe
- If we have more number of data in response of Api how do you load this data in datatable
- How do you create dialog box
- How you integrate the charts in your project (d3 and amcharts)
- What is shared modules
- How did you convert string data types to float/integer
- Did you use Enum in angular
- Different types of FOR loop (traditional for loop, for-in, and for-of)
- What is the difference between css, scss and sass?
- How do you upgrade from one version another in angular?
- How do you update the angular CLI?
- How do you null and undefined in HTML
- How do you make conditional operators in HTML
- Typescript language is converted to which language
- How do you make build and deployed
- What are package.json and package-lock.json
- How do you maintain your code
- What is the difference between put and post
- Different Types of Pipes?
- How to use Multiple Router outlet?
- What are Pure Pipes?
- What are Impure Pipes?
- What is view encapsulation in Angular?
- What is the difference between AOT and JIT?
- What are Eager and Lazy loading?
- How Are Animations Done in Angular?
- What is the difference between ngDocheck and Ngonchange lifecycle hook?
- How to create custom directives and their uses
- What is NGRX? and its uses
- List out RXJS operators which you have used and why?
- Explain SwtichMap operator uses
- What is a Centralized way to handle errors in angular
- How to manage large data which we received from REST API?
- Have you used Angular material?
- different type of directives
- custom directives
- annotation vs decorator
- content projection
- viewchild vs output
- hostlisteners vs hostbinding
- authorization vs authentification
- resolve guards
- ways to make service multi-instance
- are services single instance or multi .. Can we make them multi
- is it required to add services in provider of app module
- use of providedIn
- use of onContentCheck and onViewChecked
- how you will get to know which route is currently active
- ForkJoin
- rxjs operators
- how TS file are compiled to JS
- advantage vs disadvantage of angular
- custom attribute
- custom structural directive
- custom pipe
- hot vs cold observable
- multicasting vs unicasting in angular
- component 4 parameters
- unsubscribe observable
- memory leaks
- server side auth. Vs client auth.
- virtual DOM
- SPA ? How can you say Angular APP is one ?
- package.json use and what it does?
- package.lock.json use and what it does?
- linting ?
- BEM?
- polyfills ? Use and where they are ?
- if you delete providedin 'root' what will happen
- angular is developed on which design pattern
- error interceptor